If you need a simple way to generate some custom files this code might help you. I developed this to be able to download very fast very large internal tables from the application server to the local PC. This project started because I needed to download a lot of records (millions) in an Access and/or Excel file. The usual way (direct download to Access or Excel) failed because it was taking a lot of time, so I downloaded the tables as CSV files on the computer and another script (in VBA) imported them into the Access or Excel files. After testing this I managed to reduce the download time from 20 minutes (or more) to 30 seconds for the download plus another 10 seconds to import in the target file. I tested this with the MARA table.
In the example below I’ll show you how to create a generic file on the application server. This code was later used to generate a CSV file and download it on the local PC. This class features a browse and download function for the file and other helpful methods.
The code
The file represents an instance of the class ZCL_RAW_FILE
. Inside the class we have the property GV_FILE_CONTENT
that holds the contents of the file (table with header).
The class also has a property to hold the file’s name GV_FILE_NAME
and the file’s extension GV_FILE_EXTENSION
. Those two will be concatenated to generate the full name of the file when exported.
Other helpfull methods are: SAVE_TO_PATH
to start the GUI Download, BROWSE_FOR_SAVE_PATH
to browse for the path to download to, SET_FILE_EXTENSION
to change the file’ extension and name (the”.” will be automatically put in place), GET_FILE_SIZE
to query the current size of the file, the check_path
method to help you validate a path in case you ask the user to enter it manually.
types: tyt_raw_string TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY . ... private section. data GV_FILE_EXTENSION type STRING . data GV_FILE_SIZE type INT4 . data GV_FILE_CONTENT type TYT_RAW_STRING . data GV_FILE_NAME type STRING .
There is also a property that holds the file’s size GV_FILE_SIZE. This is used when we need to know the current size of the file before exporting it to the local computer or before appending to it.
Here we have the code as it appears in the source code view. You can just copy it and the system will take care of it automatically.
class ZCL_RAW_FILE definition public create public . public section. class-methods BROWSE_FOR_SAVE_PATH returning value(MV_PATH) type STRING . methods SET_FILE_EXTENSION importing !MV_FILE_EXTENSION type STRING . methods CLEAR_CONTENTS . methods GET_FILE_SIZE returning value(MV_FILE_SIZE) type INT4 . methods SET_FILE_NAME importing !MV_FILE_NAME type STRING . methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !MV_ENCODING type STRING default SPACE !MV_FILE_NAME type STRING !MV_FILE_EXTENSION type STRING . methods SAVE_TO_PATH importing value(MV_SAVE_PATH) type STRING . methods ADD_LINE importing !MV_STRING_LINE type STRING . class-methods CHECK_PATH changing !MV_PATH_TO_CHECK type STRING returning value(MV_IS_CORRECT) type ABAP_BOOL . protected section. types: tyt_raw_string TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY . data GV_FILE_ENCODING type ABAP_ENCOD value SPACE ##NO_TEXT. private section. data GV_FILE_EXTENSION type STRING . data GV_FILE_SIZE type INT4 . data GV_FILE_CONTENT type TYT_RAW_STRING . data GV_FILE_NAME type STRING . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_RAW_FILE IMPLEMENTATION. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->ADD_LINE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] MV_STRING_LINE TYPE STRING * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD ADD_LINE. " add the length of the new row to the file length plus the end of line terminators \n\r me->gv_file_size = me->gv_file_size + strlen( mv_string_line ) + 2. " append the contents to the file contents APPEND mv_string_line TO gv_file_content. ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Static Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE=>BROWSE_FOR_SAVE_PATH * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [<-()] MV_PATH TYPE STRING * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD browse_for_save_path. " call the GUI browse for folder dialog cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING window_title = 'Please select the folder to save to' initial_folder = 'c:\' CHANGING selected_folder = mv_path " here we get the selected path EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). " if an error occured IF sy-subrc <> 0. " Implement suitable error handling here MESSAGE 'Folder selection failed' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Static Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE=>CHECK_PATH * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [<-->] MV_PATH_TO_CHECK TYPE STRING * | [<-()] MV_IS_CORRECT TYPE ABAP_BOOL * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD check_path. DATA: lo_regex TYPE REF TO cl_abap_regex, lo_matcher TYPE REF TO cl_abap_matcher. DATA: pos TYPE i, chr TYPE char01. * get the last character in string the path should look like: x:\zxy\...\ pos = strlen( mv_path_to_check ) - 1. chr = mv_path_to_check+pos. * Concatenates '\' at the end if the path does not end with it IF chr <> '\'. CONCATENATE mv_path_to_check '\' INTO mv_path_to_check. ENDIF. * Establishes the REGEX to check if the rest of the path is correct CREATE OBJECT lo_regex EXPORTING pattern = '^[a-zA-Z]:\\.*\\' ignore_case = abap_true. * Establishes the path to be checked CREATE OBJECT lo_matcher EXPORTING regex = lo_regex text = mv_path_to_check. * Confirms the path validity lo_matcher->match( RECEIVING success = mv_is_correct ). ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->CLEAR_CONTENTS * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD clear_contents. " clear the contents of the internal table CLEAR gv_file_content. " set the file size to zero gv_file_size = 0. ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->CONSTRUCTOR * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] MV_ENCODING TYPE STRING (default =SPACE) * | [--->] MV_FILE_NAME TYPE STRING * | [--->] MV_FILE_EXTENSION TYPE STRING * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD constructor. " initialize the size of the current file me->gv_file_size = 0. " set the file encoding me->gv_file_encoding = mv_encoding. " set the file's name me->set_file_name( EXPORTING mv_file_name = mv_file_name ). " and extension me->set_file_extension( EXPORTING mv_file_extension = mv_file_extension ). ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->GET_FILE_SIZE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [<-()] MV_FILE_SIZE TYPE INT4 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD GET_FILE_SIZE. " return the current file's size mv_file_size = me->gv_file_size. ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->SAVE_TO_PATH * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] MV_SAVE_PATH TYPE STRING * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD save_to_path. DATA: lv_complete_file_name TYPE string, lv_path_is_correct TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_true. " check if the given path is correct zcl_raw_file=>check_path( CHANGING mv_path_to_check = mv_save_path RECEIVING mv_is_correct = lv_path_is_correct ). IF lv_path_is_correct = abap_true. IF gv_file_extension IS NOT INITIAL. " create the complete path + file name + extension CONCATENATE mv_save_path gv_file_name gv_file_extension INTO lv_complete_file_name. ELSE. " create the complete path + file name + extension CONCATENATE mv_save_path gv_file_name INTO lv_complete_file_name. ENDIF. " call GUI download function CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = lv_complete_file_name codepage = me->gv_file_encoding TABLES data_tab = me->gv_file_content. " if errors occured display a message IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ELSE. " abort the save process if an incorrect path is found MESSAGE 'Incorrect path, aborting export.' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->SET_FILE_EXTENSION * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] MV_FILE_EXTENSION TYPE STRING * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- method SET_FILE_EXTENSION. " set the current file's extension me->gv_file_extension = mv_file_extension. endmethod. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_RAW_FILE->SET_FILE_NAME * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] MV_FILE_NAME TYPE STRING * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- method SET_FILE_NAME. " set the current file's name me->gv_file_name = mv_file_name. endmethod. ENDCLASS.
Example of use
After building the class you can use it as follows:
" variables related to the file to which we export DATA: lo_my_file TYPE REF TO zcl_csv_file, " file that is generated lv_current_file_length TYPE i, " the current length of the current file lv_path_to_save TYPE string. " the path where you save the file * create the file object CREATE OBJECT lo_my_file EXPORTING mv_file_name = 'my_file' mv_file_extension = 'txt' . * You can use the static method to browse for a path on the local host lv_path_to_save = zcl_csv_file=>browse_for_save_path * Write the first line in the first file lo_my_file->add_line( 'some text on the first line' ). * get the file size lv_current_file_length = lo_my_file->get_file_size( ). * then save the current data to the file lo_my_file->save_to_path( lv_path_to_save ). * clear the contents lo_my_file->clear_contents( ). * change the file name lo_my_file->set_file_name( 'my_second_file' ). * add some other line to the file lo_my_file->add_line( 'second line in the file' ). * save it again with the new contents lo_my_file->save_to_path( 'c:\folder\ ' ).